
Comments (85)

What do you think?

ngl the soundtrack is a bop

mf doom


such awesome character designs, i HAD to draw some!

Mines in the ocean (pollution nation B) sounds like war from pizza tower

make this game for the ds

!This game contains flashing lights, gore, blood, and references to drugs, whisky, and tobacco. We are not related in any way to Nintendo, JamesTheGoo, Bethesda, valve, popcap or any person/company mentioned or shown within the game, nor we are sponsored by. This game is still in its early phase, if you'd like, please give us some feedback, thanks!!
"this is a game, certainly"
Meet the team (haha I made a tf2 reference):
@knucklesgang4life - Dumbass italian autistic kid who made this when he was bored, what else do I have to say right?
@terkeno - Good music writer, I'd say professional.
"9/10, would play again" -average joe
"please remove air" -A random crackhead we picked off the street
"this is great" -CornEnjoyer23
"this game is awful" -ImInsane384
"Nice dude!" -SomeRandomDude404
"filesize too big" -anonymous
"too woke" -another random cracked we just, picked up off the street for no reason.
This game is basically just a homage to my favorite games, those being:
new super mario bros, wario land, kirby, fnaf, tf2, and alot of other random ass games that probably won't mix.
Also, to the companies that own some of the characters I am borrowing I will credit you in the final release so don't take me to court please.
if you don't want your property being used, just say so.
#platformer #arcade #adventure #action #puzzle #webcore #vaporwave #ds #weirdcore #neonbros #retro #fnaf

Intense Cartoon Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Mature Humor

APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some enemies are getting their design revamped, like the creeper one.

bro I promised to make that thumbnail remaster, WHY THE FUCK DO I PROCASTINATE!?!?!?!??!?

I'll be deeply honest with you all, I fucking resent this site and some of the people here.
I don't resent you guys and the friends I met here though, thanks for the support, even if it's not that much, it means alot to me

wow, lost interest?
that's what I get for taking long ass breaks from posting, then again I cannot constantly post.

Why the fuck is level design and character design so hard to do? djbskjfbkesjkhdbfjkbdbkbfkjdbskbfjkbk

I believe in the second amendment and also our lord and savior, quake by id software.

Dudes guess what!!!!!!!!
we're not dead, isn't that a suprise?

I am sick of posting and then leaving for days on end, but like, I am a busy dude so yeah.

Y'know the octogoomba from mario galaxy?
yeah we're going to continue to make non-original enemies.
this game was built on half originality and half unoriginality, what did you expect?